Disclaimer FIRST, when perusing other web sites I noticed a unique disclaimer which I want to paraphrase here, as it applies to this site, also. These are stories of an adult, in an adult situation. It might not fit your preconceived notion of what people should have done, or how people should have acted, but, to the best of my recollections, the stories are the truth as one soldier in the sixties lived it. If you are easily offended, or expect stories or situations describing righteous, Christian soldiers reading their Bibles every night, while they defended their families against Godless Communism, you might leave here and try Pat Robertson's web site. His perception of the events of his service are not the same as the fellows who served with him was, but what he says he did, as opposed to what many say he actually did, might better fit what you expect. The intent, though, is serious, so if you expect a titillating experience or lessons in debauchery, perhaps there are more appropriate places for you, also.Put another way -- Read this soldier's stories, Sinner, at your own risk.
About the Stories Due to some recent personal discoveries of what is available on the World Wide Web, I decided to add my two cents worth of experiences in the service. I'll tell the stories here I've told for the past 30 years, since I left the US Army, to my friends and family here at home. I would like this site to be a memorial, a record of some great memories of great times shared with great people, who, mostly, did their duty for America.
My Service I was in the US Army from Aug 1960 to Jul 1963. I re-enlisted for six years (ASA) in Oct 1963 and served until Mar 1970, with a six month enlistment extension to assure medical attention for my son, who was born in May, 1969 in Frankfurt am Main.
Some People I Remember I do want to make comments here, about a couple of people, including the late LTG William DePuy, who, like everyone else, I didn't keep in touch with, and, in any case I only met on a couple of occasions. In those times, however, he impressed me as one of the finest America had to offer, a great patriot, a fine officer, a great leader...and I'm still proud to give him a salute. I would also like to remember Pat Amick, who was a traffic analyst and linguist (French) who served with me in Ethiopia and Peter D. Molan, who was an Arabic linguist who also served with Pat and I and many others. These fellows were amazingly accomplished, their passing during the past few years was a loss to those who knew them and to the nation they both served so well, Pete for most of his life. Also, because it has been such an enlightening experience getting in contact with so many people I served with so long ago, I'd hope to see or hear of some of the people I have not heard from but served with, including (but not limited to) Ron Bergerson (AR); Jim Copley (Peoria, IL); Mike Rodgers (thanks to Bob Dymond for the memory jog),a guitar player from San Antonio, Texas; Ron Roark (?);Phil Klingensmith (?) ; John Prokopowitz, et al.
Come with me now as we relive those golden days of yesteryear....